Camp Birchmont

Tag Archives: Firelight

We’re All Here, And Ready to Roll!

By Laura Pierce - Posted July 6, 2021

We have begun, and we have begun well!
After careful testing and monitoring, we have gotten back our 3rd PCR batch of tests, and happy to report we are all negative for COVID!This is great peace of mind, and we will be able to relax and ease into enjoying our bubble of wellness here at camp.

We’ve had some hot weather to start camp, but nothing was melting but our ice cream. The kids held up well and enjoyed our double swim days at the lake. Then a few days of rain followed and we are proud of our campers who are resilient, settling into cabins and becoming fully engaged in camp life. It is fitting that as we celebrate our country’s Independence Day, we celebrate our campers becoming more independent too.

We have gotten so much done already… campers are passing swim laps, horses are jumping, potters wheels are going, our tennis courts and fields are full, friendships are being formed, memories are being made as campers begin to think not so much about parents and pets left at home, but are allowing themselves to open up and enjoy this new experience that is the camp summer of 2021.

Our Pioneer Groups have been tubing at sunset, our upper and lower camps have begun their Club Nights, and we hosted our first DJ Social last night. We had our Opening Firelight ceremonies, boys in the Orchard Overlook and Girls at the Notches candlelight areas. We established goals for the summer, and welcomed everybody, new and old, as we sat around our roaring campfires. The girls’ firelight broke out into an impromptu dance party under the stars as we promised to hold each other in high regard, no matter where we came from before this first night of camp. For now we are all part of a big Birchmont family, with lots of fun in front of us.

At Quiet Hour this morning, Greg talked a bit about not being afraid to fail at camp. How simple and empowering it really is to change the mind set of “I Can’t” to “I Could if I…”
His examples seemed to resonate as campers began to realize that it’s true, “I Could If I” is a powerful little key to unlock the door of self-doubt so many children let get in their way of trying new things, or mastering new skills. Attitude is a young learner’s most precious resource.

It’s true that much has felt out of our control in this strange year; we can’t control the uncontrollable…but we can control our attitude, We share with our campers that YOU choose your attitude every day. You can control that.

Try waterskiing, paddle boarding, toss the ball high to serve, unfurl a sail, catch the fly ball, ride the horse, shoot an arrow, hang from a harness and fly through the trees… Everything is here waiting for our campers to try. Tonight we will have our 4th of July festivities with races, make your own sundaes, tug of war, and next week we look forward to our full day of spirited camp wide competition for Blue and White Day, our tented overnights and cookout breakfast for the Explorers, Rail Trail hikes and more. Make no mistake, although we are organized, and we have to be to ensure smooth sailing for many people, we will prioritize joy over efficiency, because especially this summer, we all need to maximize joy, and connectedness.

Charles Eliot, the past President of Harvard had put it another way; he said back in 1869,  “The organized summer camp is the most important step in education that America has given the world.”

We couldn’t agree more, and we’re so happy to be learning and loving our summer amidst the mountains, lake, fields and forests that are Camp Birchmont in New Hampshire.

The Gang’s All Here!

Written by Laura Pierce - Posted July 2, 2018

We have begun, and we have begun well! Our buses left at 10:00 on the dot bringing excited campers to their new summer home. Counselors greeted the buses with excited anticipation. This was the moment they had been waiting for after a week long of meetings, role playing, and safety orientations. The kids were finally here and counselors were answering questions in rapid succession: “How will I find my bunk”, “My sister is on another bus, when will I see her?”, “How do I make my bed?”, “Does anyone know I’m allergic to soy and eggplant?”, “Where is the lake?” And the counselors had questions too…Where is everybody from?? What part of camp are you most excited about? Who wants to unpack and play Jamcam before dinner?

The first week of camp has flown by, as campers are settling into cabins and becoming fully engaged in camp life. They are not thinking so much now about their parents and pets they left at home, but have begun charting a new course for their summer at their new home away from home.

We have gotten so much done already…swim laps are being passed, talent auditions are being held, Big Brothers and Sisters have met, friendships have been formed. We had our Opening Firelight ceremonies, boys in the Overlook and Girls at Notches. We established goals for the summer, and welcomed everybody, new and old, as we sat around our roaring campfires. The girl’s firelight broke out into an impromptu dance party under the stars as we promised to hold each other in high regard, no matter where we came from before this first night of camp.  For now we are all part of a big Birchmont family, with lots of fun in front of us everyday.

At Quiet Hour, Greg talked a bit about not being afraid to fail at camp. How simple and empowering it really is to change the mind set of “I Can’t” to “I Could if I…”. His examples seemed to resonate as campers began to realize that it’s true, “I Could If I” is a powerful little key to unlock the door of self-doubt so many children let get in their way of trying new things, or mastering new skills. Attitude is a young learner’s most precious resource, and for every door, you alone can hold the key. Try waterskiing, toss the ball high to serve, unfurl a sail, catch the fly ball, ride the horse, dance on the stage, hang from a harness and fly through the trees…Everything is here waiting for our campers to try.  We have our first BBQ Dinner and DJ Social tonight and our trips start this week too. It’s been hot and hazy these past few days but nothing is melting but our ice cream.

Last night, I looked out onto the whole camp gathered at the waterfront to watch a spectacular waterskiing show at sunset on our lake. I thought, as I have so many times before, what a unique experience, what a gift this is to unwrap and savor and share. Charles Eliot, the President of Harvard has put it another way; he said, “The organized summer camp is the most important step in education that America has given the world”. We couldn’t agree more, and we’re so happy to be learning and loving our summer amidst the mountains, lake, fields and forests that are Camp Birchmont in New Hampshire.


Written by Camp Birchmont - Posted July 1, 2015

By Greg Howes, Director

For many years at Birchmont one of the richest camp traditions that helps our camp community come to closure each August is called “Candlelight”. Even during my first summer – 1990 – I can Firelight 2015recall missing the last two days of camp and having my co counselor Sean McQuade tell me how much I would be missing by not being there for Candlelight night. In a subsequent summer, I came to find out he was quite right. It’s a wonderful night around a huge beautiful campfire where all campers and staff gather in a circle around the fire to help cap the season with thanks and reflections from the summer. Supervisors, group leaders and Birchmont “B” winners from each group each take a brief turn standing in front of the fire and one by one speak from the heart sending their own positive message of thanks, experiences and reflection. It’s a powerful and moving experience – if not downright emotional. Each camper adds their candle to an ever growing circle of flames until the fire is extinguished with a closing ceremony. Im sure it’s a memory etched deep into the mind of most alumni that have been present for it. Tonight , we mark a new opening night tradition at Birchmont.

Similar to Candlelight in some ways , FIRELIGHT will embody the idea of Welcome, and that we are all part of this unique and special adventure on which we are to embark together. We inspire each and every person who is a part of camp, new and old, to think about a personal goal for the summer around a big campfire, one in boys camp and another in girls. Camp supervisors and counselors will say some brief remarks, and we will gather under the stars and set off on a course for the best possible summer, as members of what Greg Pierce is fond of calling ” the biggest family or smallest community most of us will ever be proud to be a part of”. Here’s to the start of another rich and rewarding Birchmont Tradition. The only downside? FIRELIGHT will NOT include S’mores! But we will have plenty of those campfires too! 🙂

Firelight 2015

So on the second night of camp this happened… Our Firelight, with a beautiful moon and Jupiter and Venus in view …